You Matter.
That's right, I said it. YOU have a purpose and you are loved. God didn't make a mistake when He made you, and He knew before the beginning of time how YOU would change the world. You have a purpose. You have a calling. YOU are loved.
I spent a lot of my childhood and teen years dealing with insecurities and lacking confidence. From what I hear, people would've never guessed that! When I was younger, I used to keep a wall up and I looked serious a lot. To the point where some people said they were scared of me or that they thought I was constantly mad about something.
I worked on that and found a way to loosen up, relax, and just have fun. I remember talking to one of my guy friends about how I used to be shy, and he almost spit out his drink. He said he couldn't picture that because of how outgoing I was now, and how I'm always so happy.
That was a huge compliment to me. It was great to hear something like that, especially since I was standing there having that conversation, feeling like a was sticking out like a sore thumb.
I have never been the "glamour girl" or the girl that guys are automatically drawn to or find instantly "pretty". I've always been the "good friend" and the girl that everyone could come to for advice and talk to about their problems, but I've never been the "IT" girl.
That was hard for a long time. I wanted to be accepted, I wanted to feel like I mattered. I wanted to feel beautiful.
Over the years, I felt like I had no one. Sure, I have an AMAZING family and the most amazing, supportive parents a girl could ask for, who always told me they loved me and that I was beautiful. I've also had some amazing friends in my life. But inside, I was hurting. I had no one to turn to, except for THE one to turn to. Jesus.
I started running to Jesus with everything. And I do mean EVERYTHING. He became to me, what He longs to be for everyone - My best friend. Over time, He started showing me how I mattered. He showed me my calling in life, and He showed me that Jeremiah 29:11 is true. He DOES know the plans He has for me, and they are SO amazing. I finally felt accepted and I believe I've learned (and am continuing to learn) what TRUE love and acceptance is. There's nothing like it. It's something that NO human can fulfill for you. I became an "It" girl. :)
Guess what? He is no respecter of persons. He wants YOU to know true love. He wants you to realize that you matter. You have a purpose. You NEED to be here to fulfill the AMAZING plans He has for you. Trust me, they're amazing!
You are beautiful. Let me say that again. You. Yes, You. You are beautiful. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Never forget that. Please. If all you get out of this is that you matter, then I've done my job.
Stay strong. I believe in you, but more importantly, Jesus believes in you. He is always there for you. ALWAYS. There is nothing that can separate you from His love. And I do mean NOTHING. You are worthy. He finds no flaw in you. He will always be by your side. Even when you make mistakes, or feel like no one is there for you, He is.
Believe in that.
Song of Solomon 4:7 (Amp)
"[He exclaimed] O my love, how beautiful you are! There is no flaw in you!"
Till next time...
Till next time...