Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Is there a double standard?

double standard

: a situation in which two people, groups, etc., are treated very differently from each other in a way that is unfair to one of them
:  a set of principles that applies differently and usually more rigorously to one group of people or circumstances than to another - (

Double standards. 
This is something that I have always known about. Something I've always seen. Something I've never agreed with but didn't think too much about.

Lately, however, I've been seeing it too often and it really got me thinking - why do we all, if we're honest with ourselves, have double standards? 

Before I go forward, I want to make sure that I am being perfectly clear when I say this is NOT a post to "call people out" or make anyone feel bad. It's not supposed to be depressing or condemning. This is just something that I've observed and my thoughts on the issue!


I've heard so many times "You shouldn't do ..." or "I can't believe they did..." - "I could never do..." or "How could you ever support..."

Here are a few examples: 
*Someone judges someone who decides to drink a beer while they watch a game, because it's "not Holy", but THAT person has serious road rage and anger issues.

*A performer on an award show (who is a Christian) can have a dark, demonic performance, but because people like that person, they still support and encourage that person no matter what. While at the same time, another artist (who is also a Christian), can do something stupid and land themselves in jail, and the SAME people who supported the first artist, bash the second artist up and down, left and right - just because they don't like them. 

*Phil Robertson vs. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. - They BOTH stood up for what they believe in. But only one of them did it with grace. Both of them have influence, but only ONE of them is classified as "intolerant" to others' beliefs. They both stated their PERSONAL beliefs - only one of them was torn down for having them.

- I'm sorry, but that is just wrong. All of it.

We need to stop having these double standards    - and Christians, we have to   


A friend of mine asked me one time "what sin is the biggest?" 

My answer was this: None of them. God doesn't rank sin. Sin is sin. If you rob a bank or tell a little white lie, it's all a sin. But sins DO have a ranking of consequences. There will be a much bigger consequence if you rob a bank, versus telling your friend you didn't take her last piece of gum.

Mark 6:!4a
34 As Jesus landed, He saw a great crowd waiting, and He was moved with compassion for them...

Mark 2:17
17 And hearing this, Jesus said to them, It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Compassion. Love. Forgiveness.

THAT is what Jesus is. When Jesus was on the earth, people RAN to Him. Tax collectors and prostitutes sat at His feet just to be around Him. He ate dinner with them. He LOVED them. They wanted what HE had. He didn't pick and choose who to love or support. He didn't judge the prostitute and condone the drunk. 

These double standards are doing the one thing that I know we don't want - making Christians look like hypocrites. 
You can't judge someone for one thing and not judge someone else just because you think what that person did was "worse" - we all have things that we struggle with. Where is the love? Judging is exhausting, if you ask me. :)

I am NOT perfect by any means, and I have been and am a guilty party in this whole thing as well. It's human nature. But here's the thing that God has been really showing me lately:

It is not our job to change people. That's His job. If we stopped pointing fingers at what other people are doing wrong and kept our eyes on Jesus - letting Him transform us into His image and allowing Him to teach us how to love others with HIS love, then HE'LL take care of everyone else. It's not our job. 

If we keep our eyes on Jesus, HE'LL change us. He'll change them. Those double standards will vanish and this world will be a better place.

Until next time...
<3 Brooke

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